Close Call with Vehicle while Responding through Intersection
Officer Nearly Struck while Running to Stop Fight in Progress
Domestic Incident in Bar Parking Lot Results in Three Officers Injured
Armed Suspect Flanks Responding Officers at Convenience Store
Subject Attempts to Draw Concealed Handgun during Frisk
Concealed Scissors during Felony Warrant Arrest
No Vest Responding to Armed Robbery
Nearly Hit by Car while Attempting to Assist Deputy
Armed Subject Hides from Officers during Foot Pursuit
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About LEO Near Miss
LEO Near Miss is a national near miss reporting system that enables law enforcement officers across the country to study and anonymously report near miss incidents. The system was funded by the COPS Office and developed by the National Policing Institute in collaboration with other national law enforcement organizations. The system is modeled after successful near miss reporting systems used in other high-risk industries.
About the National Policing Institute
The National Policing Institute (NPI) is a non-profit research organization based in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. NPI serves as the administrator of the LEO Near Miss system, independent from all other government and law enforcement bodies to ensure near miss reporting is non-punitive and remains exclusively focused on improving operational safety in law enforcement.