Swatting Incident at University

A male subject called 911 and said that his “roommate” had a gun and was headed to a named school campus and planned on shooting people. The caller added that his “roommate” was dressed in black. University, city, state and federal law enforcement agencies responded.

Potential Friendly Fire Incident Following Mall Shooting

Patrol officers were dispatched to the complaint of a shooting at the mall. Initial reports indicated two people were shot, possibly a third. Officers responding to the scene were told via dispatch that multiple subjects with weapons were fleeing on foot in the area.

Active Shooter Hoax at University

Communications received a text report of an active shooter occurring at (Major University) main group building. Incident Command made the decision to enter the building to search for the shooter. Responding officers from the local police department and the university police department formed into teams to begin the search. After a 2.5 hour search of multiple buildings with multiple teams, no shooter was found. The incident was determined to be a hoax.

Crossfire Situation During Officer Involved Shooting

Officers responded to a robbery in progress at a drug store. When the officers entered the building, they observed the store staff hiding behind the counters. The officers began to surround the store and establish a perimeter. As the officers in the store approached the rear of the store, the two armed offenders exited through a drive through window.

Stop Stick Malfunction During Vehicular Pursuit of Shooting Suspect

At 0100 HRS, dispatch aired a vehicular pursuit following a shooting that had just occurred in the area. The pursuit was heading onto a nearby highway at approximately 100 plus mph. I was able to get into the area of [the interstate] and drove southbound down the northbound off-ramp to get into position. I grabbed the Stop Sticks from the trunk of my patrol car as the pursuit was quickly approaching.

Felony Armed Robbery Pursuit Leads to Ravine Crash

Officers assisted with apprehension of subjects involved in an armed robbery . I heard a radio broadcast from a nearby police department that they were trying to catch up to a SUV which was “blowing” several stoplights. Dispatch responded stating that the vehicle was a suspect vehicle in an armed robbery. Pursuing Police stated they were northbound on [a major highway] and asked if officers from my department could help stop the vehicle. I proceeded to the area and offered to use “Stop Stix” on the vehicle.

Bomb Threat – Hoax Call

Unknown caller phoned into a school of higher education that a male person was on campus and in a specific building with an assault rifle.